Maexxna (10)

Most of the trash to Maexxna is AoE-packs. Note also that you can skip a few packs if you want to clear the wing faster. Just run at the side of the circled rooms. This will make your pet run in the goo, so be very aware of that if you do get an accidental pull and you rush in with your pet. It will have really low HP.

Also note that there will be shades sneaking around with invisibility. If possible, have a warlock cast detect invisibility on you. These mobs are quite nasty and will have to be nuked down ASAP after being pulled, so if you see one, go full throttle on it.

Pet suggestion: Turtle

This little arachnoid has quite a few tricks up her sleave. There’s the Web Wrap that throws people to the western wall, the spider spawns, the healing poison, the web spray and finally of course the enrage.

But let’s start with the pull. My suggestion is that you should be standing quite far out on the side and use Eyes of the Beast for this pull. When you pull, everyone should run in a semi-circle around him while you slowly back him up to the wall at the entrance.  This will be your tanking spot. Make sure you have all your pet abilities available for maximum threat.

Maexxna 1

Maexxna 2

Once Maexxna is in place, remove EotB and run to the rest of the group. This is their cue that they can start attacking. Make sure that the Necrotic Poison is removed asap. Keep your improved Mend Pet up at all times to help with this.

20 seconds  into the fight Maexxna will throw 1 player to the west wall. This is but a nuisance if you’re the target, otherwise it’s nothing to worry about.

10 seconds later she will spawn a lot of adds. Make sure these are dead before Web Spray. Web Spray is an ability that hits once every 40 seconds. It will lock everyone in place in cocoons for 6 seconds. Make sure the healers have HoTs up before this hits.

Shell Shield has a 42 second cooldown (with talents) and lasts for 12 seconds. This makes it just off schedule for using at every Web Spray.  I suggest that it’s used about 6 seconds before the first web spray. And then once more as soon as it’s up again. This second will also coincidence with a web spray if your timing isn’t off.

There should be one more web spray before Maexxna enrages at 30% at this point. Make sure that your raid holds her at 31% until a web spray is cast. After the web spray, they should go full nuke. When Maexxna is enraged your pet will take a lot more damage. Keep up the healing, and when web spray is about to hit when she is enraged, pop shell shield. This is the most vital shell shield in the fight, don’t screw it up. Don’t wait too long with popping it. About 3 seconds before web spray is cast is perfect.

After the enraged web spray, Maexxna should be down for the count and you will have cleared the spider wing.

Last updated: April 5th, 2009

11 Responses to “Spider Wing: Maexxna”

  1. April 2, 2009 at 17:39

    This is good stuff! Can you include a diagram of the pull? im having trouble picturing how this would go.

  2. April 2, 2009 at 18:14

    Quick question on the timing of shell sheild. So we are expecting to trigger the enrage just after the third (120 seconds) web spray? If so, wouldn’t 6 seconds lead time not be enough to ensure a shell sheild to be available at the final web spray at 160 seconds?

  3. 3 nordhbane
    April 2, 2009 at 22:36

    Yes, I’m gonna be working on pictures during the weekend. I have a cleared instance to play around with.

    You use Shell Shield at first and second web spray and then skip using it at the third. After the third web spray you get enrage. On the fourth (enraged) web spray you use it again. Between the end of the second and beginning of fourth there is 74 seconds (40 second interval, 6 second duration) and you only need 42 seconds to make sure your shell shield is up.

    Of course, this is theoretical, you might have to wait until the fourth web spray before you get enrage. But the important thing is that your shell shield is ready for the enraged web spray. That’s more important than protecting your pet during a non-enraged web spray.

  4. 4 ihlos
    April 3, 2009 at 00:05

    Couldnt you also time the first ss 8 seconds in advance, giving you two seconds of play? sure you would be unprotected for 2 seconds in the first wave, but thats better than no protection in the third wave i would think.

  5. 5 nordhbane
    April 3, 2009 at 06:39

    It would be very risky, a slight miss in timing due to latency, global cooldown, reflexes or just Maexxna being slightly off schedule could mean that you’re screwed. It is theoretically possible, but not something I’d recommend.

    If your healers can’t keep your pet up during a web spray, they aren’t doing their jobs 😉 Just make sure you have some HoT class(es) there with you.

  6. 6 nordhbane
    April 5, 2009 at 17:45

    Updated with the pictures you requested Ihlos.

  7. 7 ihlos
    April 6, 2009 at 17:54

    Thanks for the pic, i can see now how it would go. I am really hoping to try this out myself. I can see your point also about cutting it too close with shell sheild

    Quick question, why use eotb on this pull? Wouldn’t it be good to use a misdirect onto the pet for this pull? She would jet across the room, and engage your pet in the desired postion and facing the wall. Are you just thinking it would give time to build threat?

  8. 8 nordhbane
    April 6, 2009 at 20:10

    Ihlos, exactly my point with the threat. Plus, I’m used to normal tanks running in and walking him back 😉 I think using MD could work just as well, as long as people understand that they can’t touch the boss until it’s in position. It isn’t a dps fight until 30% anyhow. =)

  9. 9 Kurasu
    April 20, 2009 at 13:38

    Rather than stopping at 31%, you might want to stop at 35%. That way, if there are a lot of DOTs ticking on the boss (and if there aren’t, people aren’t doing their job!), you won’t accidently DOT down to 30% at a bad moment. It’s an extra 4%-ish to whittle through, but might be safer if you’re holding it for maximum effect.

  10. 10 nordhbane
    April 20, 2009 at 15:07

    Good point. I’m assuming that the raid leader have a bit of control over the dps and can stop it depending on what kind of dpsers you have. The 31% is the absolute minimum before enrage.

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